Blog — Cyprus
UPS: On Line Διπλής Μετατροπής VS Line Interactive
Posted by Christos Papakyriacou on
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- Tags: Cyprus, Digicom, electrical line, electricity, harmonic distortion, On Line – Double Conversion, On Line – Line Interactive UPS, over voltage, power failure, surges, under voltage, Uninterruptable Power Supply, UPS
Attention IT Personnel...(Infographic)
Posted by Christos Papakyriacou on
Relax...We guarantee maximum UPS uptime. Major UPS Manufacturers, including GE state UPS design life as 10 years minimum... But only if mainteained correctly. Click here to download
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- Tags: advice, Critical Power Experts, Cyprus, design life, Digicom, GE, General Electric, Infographic, maintenance, service, Uninterruptable Power Supply, UPS
Is your UPS maintained correctly? A video case study
Posted by Christos Papakyriacou on
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- Tags: Critical Power Experts, Cyprus, design life, Digicom, fans, GE, General Electric, maintenance, presentation, service, step-by-step, Technical Support Team, Tips, Uninterruptable Power Supply, UPS, video
Caution: Don't let this happen to you...
Posted by Christos Papakyriacou on
Edward Aloysius Murphy Jr (1918-1990), an American aeronautical engineer declared in the early 90’s that, “if something can go wrong it will”. This has become to be known as Murphy’ s Law. He said that, in order to alert people to expect the worst in a given situation. I do think he intended this as a warning for people to do everything possible to “prevent the worst from happening”. In that spirit we operate as a company. Specializing in a rather “hazardous” profession, installing, maintaining and repairing Uninterruptible Power Supplies, UPS, we place utmost importance in preventing bad things from...
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- Tags: advice, battery, battery failure, battery storage, Cyprus, damage, defective, design life, Digicom, explosion, General Electric, maintenance, overheating, overload, service, SOPAZ, Tips, Uninterruptable Power Supply, UPS
Posted by Christos Papakyriacou on
Η εντύπωση που οι περισσότεροι έχουν, σε σχέση με την προστασία υπολογιστών στο σπίτι ή στο γραφείο είναι ότι, αφού δεν υπάρχουν πολλές διακοπές στην παροχή ρεύματος δεν χρειάζονται UPS. Αυτό που ίσως δεν αντιλαμβάνονται είναι ότι: Aυτό το μηχάνημα πρέπει να ονομάζεται Σύστημα Παροχής Καθαρού και Σταθερού Ρεύματος και όχι μόνο Συνεχούς Παροχής Ρεύματος. Το σωστό UPS εργάζεται συνεχώς, 24 ώρες την ημέρα, εκτός και αν το απενεργοποιήσετε. Aυτό είναι χρήσιμο για να σταθεροποιεί και να καθαρίζει το ρεύμα συνεχώς και όχι μόνο σε περιπτώσεις διακοπών του ρεύματος. Όλοι γνωρίζουμε στην Κύπρο, εξαιρουμένων ακραίων καταστάσεων (όπως το Μαρί) και κακών...
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- Tags: advice, clean power, Cyprus, Digicom, double conversion, electricity, GE, General Electric, On Line – Double Conversion, On Line – Line Interactive UPS, perfect UPS, stable power, Tips, Uninterraptible Power Supply, UPS, you need UPS